07 Sep

Try yogic or alternating breathing. It is a simple and effective method of Ayurvedic medicine that raises the mind and body to a higher level of harmony and tranquility. Also music serves a good purpose and that is why we have reasons to say for why should music be free. Top athletes use it to deal with anxiety and stress. Cover one nostril with your thumb. Inhale and exhale. Then inhale through the opposite nostril. Start by feeling inspired. After each breath (inhale-exhale), switch sides. Repeat the process, changing nostrils each time. It often happens that you can breathe better through two nostrils.

Be courageous

Assertiveness, based on Dr. Lisa Legault from Clarkson University, is a method that can bring tangible results. Find a motivating mantra or phrase to help you attend an event, perform, or even join a group without fear. Choose a phrase or song to give you the greatest peace of mind and confidence before attending an event or performance. Remember that the anticipation of stressful situations causes the most stress. To be able to benefit from healing, having techniques and therapy can be crucial.

Do not criticize yourself 

The constant self-criticism only adds to your anxiety and stress, as if you have an image of your stepmother leaning over you. Trade your grudges for the truth that you can succeed in the next race, toast the bride, or stop an armed robbery. Remember that there are endless reasons to be good because you are smart and talented and should be happy!

Ask these questions to you with negative thoughts

  1. What is the evidence to support my concerns?
  2. Are there alternative ways of looking at the situation?
  3. Is the situation as bad as I imagine?
  4. What can I do to solve the problem and get improvement?

Do not let people enter your thoughts

Social anxiety is related to the fear of being judged. However, the opinions and judgments of others have nothing to do with your worth or talents. Social phobia is accepting that you are not perfect and constantly seeking approval from other people. You can strive for perfection in the aviation industry, but not everyday life. According to a study by the American Psychological Association, we tend to underestimate the importance of other people's negative opinions of us. This, in turn, can make us anxious and reduce our impulsiveness and ability to feel happy.


Instead of blaming yourself after every social gathering, try rewarding yourself, not with tattoos or tequila. Instead, it would be best if you were content to go to the event and overcome your fear. Every time you take a stand against that person and subvert them, you reduce the impact of your anxiety and increase your confidence to get back into the circle. You have regained control of your life with one victory at every turn. One of the founding principles of cognitive and behavioral therapy is the importance of the reward that comes from having the courage to expose our fears. You will certainly be more likely to congratulate yourself or indulge in frozen yogurt after crossing the finish line.

Suppose anxiety is a problem in your life or is interfering with your routine. In that case, it is recommended that you talk to an expert psychologist or doctor to determine if you need therapy. Like hair loss, social anxiety can be triggered in ways that are not obvious and without warning. CBT or cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) may be recommended. Most importantly, do not use medications without consulting your doctor. Fear doesn't stand a chance. So take a walk and learn about the benefits of cognitive and behavioral therapies.

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